The bird agonizes

The bird agonizes
2013 - Curitiba

Psychopompus is the word that originates in the Greek psychopompós, junction of psyche (soul) and pompós (guide), designates an entity whose function is to guide or lead the perception of a human being between two or more significant events. Inner guide, the psychopomp can be of human nature, (Ariadne), animal (rabbit, from Alice in Wonderland) or spiritual (Hermes, Daimon).

Psychopompus is the word that originates in the Greek psychopompós, junction of psyche (soul) and pompós (guide), designates an entity whose function is to guide or lead the perception of a human being between two or more significant events. Inner guide, the psychopomp can be of human nature, (Ariadne), animal (rabbit, from Alice in Wonderland) or spiritual (Hermes, Daimon).

Archetype present in most mythological registers, dreams, films and popular tales, it arises spontaneously and assumes the task of revealing a symbol or guiding meaning, necessary for the continuity of the individual trajectory of those who find it.

According to the Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis: “The figure who guides the soul on occasions of initiation and transition: a function traditionally attributed to Hermes in the Greek myth, for he, besides messenger of the gods, was the god who accompanied the souls of the dead , being able to transit between polarities (not only death and life, but also night and day, heaven and earth)