Pudor - Video Performance
2017 - sÃO pAULO, bRASIL
vIDEO-pERFORMANCE + Object/installation
This performance brings a discussion about one of the causes of vaginismus; The religion, in the case was applied the Christian, because it is the religion that was obligatorily created and had influence in my sexuality.
This performance brings a discussion about one of the causes of vaginismus; The religion, in the case was applied the Christian, because it is the religion that was obligatorily created and had influence in my sexuality.
The thirds are blessed, they follow the pattern of blessed thirds through Masses transmitted on televisions (in my country), this practice reminds me of grandparents, who put from their children’s car keys to water to be blessed. During the performance a person puts all thirds until my genital organ is completely capped.
*Vaginismus is a female sexual dysfunction characterized by involuntary vaginal contraction, which causes discomfort, burning, pain, problems with penetration or total inability to have sex.
It was exhibited in 2018 in the Yes an No project at Galerie Espace Thorigny in Paris curated by Aldonso Palácio.