7 disorders
7 disorders
2024 - 2017 - sÃO pAULO, bRASIL, Berlin DE
vIDEO-pERFORMANCE, Painting, Photography
“7 Distúrbios” was a project in which I used myself as a test, testing my cognitive capacity, during a psychotic break and using the art as an escape valve and alternative treatment during psychiatric treatment. Proving that art can be a help powerful in treatments and rehabilitation.
This is a procedural work of my relationship with my “psychological disturbances” and especially with my treatment.
I was diagnosed initially with teenage depression and psychosis in 2016, I always had outbreaks, but initially, my first psychotic outbreak considered advanced to the point of significant cognitive loss, was when I was invited to the psychiatric hospital in Berlin.
In my family, on both sides I have kinship with people with psychosis and other diseases, I also had a neglected childhood and use of alcohol and drugs precocious.
My diagnoses varied in schizoaffective disorder, borderline and bipolarity, and the side effects of the remedies were convulsions, more intense panic than usual, memory loss, electricity and parkinsonism.
This work began during this outbreak and when I actually started a treatment, which I still consider questionable as much as madness, but as always, my only and best way of verbalizing what happened was through art, as I continue in treatment, still having sudden outbreaks, it will continue until I am healed.
Schizophrenia - Video Performance
In this video performance, I try to reproduce my mental confusion, the my visual hallucinations and especially the auditory ones.
Anxiety Crisis - Video Performance
Parkinsonism Side Effects - Video Performance
This performance was performed while taking an antipsychotic that caused the effect of parkionism. This effect made it impossible to perform actions daily.
Nado Livre - Performance Arte
Nado Livre is a performance about disassociation.
Internas & Diário de uma Psicótica - Blogs
During this process I created two blogs, Internas and Diário de uma Psicótica. Internas is a poetry blog, reposted on the medium and has poetry written since 2008/2010. Diary of a Psychotic are publications from my point of view about situations I went through and are texts written from 2016 onwards.
During 2020 I started a podcast Seja Paciente to talk about mental health, decolonization of the mental health system, psychosis and art.